How to Cut Costs and Emissions Through a Circular Device Lifecycle  

Your supply chain is a vital facet of your business. More than 90% of your greenhouse gas emissions and 50-70% of your operating costs are attributable to your supply chain, meaning your expenditure and your carbon footprint can be significantly reduced by choosing the right partner.  

Working with a partner to implement a circular device lifecycle will cut your costs and your emissions, helping provide long term sustainability, both economically and environmentally.  

How do I introduce a circular device lifecycle? 

The key to a circular device lifecycle is refurbishing and redeploying unused devices, rather than disposing of them and buying new.  

This is particularly important for businesses with remote workforces or high staff turnover. Replacing a salaried employee costs 6-9 months of their salary on average, so you’ll want to keep costs down where you can. Reuse will also help reduce your carbon footprint. 

Introducing a circular device lifecycle is simple as: 

  1. Initially procuring devices from sustainable and cost-effective sources 

  2. Planning regular maintenance and conducting necessary repairs to prolong lifespan  

  3. Refurbishing and redeploying unused devices to a different area of your business 

  4. Sustainably recycling devices at the end of their useful life 

What are the benefits? 

Lower CAPEX and OPEX costs 

This circular process saves you the financial burden of purchasing new equipment for every hire.

Cutting emissions  

Purchasing new assets means indirectly buying into an energy intensive manufacturing process, which accounts for 25% of a device's total carbon footprint. Refurbishing devices lessens the indirect energy use of your business, by reducing the overall number of devices being manufactured and recycled. 

Contributing to the circular economy 

Global generation of e-waste is projected to exceed 74 million metric tonnes by 2025, making it the fastest growing waste stream in the world. Globally only 17.4% of this is recycled, reported and collected through official channels, leaving almost £45 billion worth of materials to go to waste. Thankfully, much of this e-waste is avoided when contributing to the circular economy.  


Overall, establishing a circular device lifecycle will cut your business’ costs and carbon emissions.  

An experienced IT partner can streamline this process for you, aiding you from sustainable procurement and asset maintenance to redeployment and secure end of life disposal.

Find out more or get in touch to discuss how your business could benefit from Direct 2 Desk’s support.  


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