How SMEs can cut down on e-waste
E-waste is an increasingly worrying problem. As the fastest growing waste stream in the world, e-waste causes two very serious problems: it pollutes the environment with untreated hazardous materials, and leads to the loss of scarce, valuable resources which could have been reused.
The situation is especially bad in the UK. In 2021 we generated over 446,000 tonnes of e-waste, and last year we were the second largest producer in the world. Businesses are one reason for this; with many wanting to keep on top of advancing technology, it has become increasingly common for functional devices to be discarded in favour of the latest releases.
If you’re looking to make your business more sustainable, there are several cost-effective measures you can take to drastically reduce your production of e-waste.
Procure sustainably
The first step is to procure devices from sustainable sources. If you procure in-house, this involves opting to purchase devices which are built to last, such as those with replaceable components. You should also strongly consider buying refurbished rather than brand new- this will lower your upfront IT costs considerably and prevent you from contributing to the e-waste stream.
If you work with a third party to procure, opting for a sustainably minded, Net Zero partner is a great way to ensure your supply chain is free of unnecessary waste.
Extend device lifespan
Your assets, no matter how long ago you bought them, can go a very long way when maintained properly. You can extend their lifespan by conducting regular planned maintenance, such as refurbishments and any necessary repairs. As mentioned, devices with replaceable components can be upgraded along the way, so your business can reap the benefits of up-to-date, powerful hardware without the need for repurchasing. This keeps both costs and waste production low.
Opt for reuse over recycling at end-of-life
Whilst recycling is certainly preferable to sending your unneeded devices to landfill, there is still a much better option: reuse.
Refurbishing, repairing, or replacing components of run-down yet functional hardware is a much less wasteful solution. This approach will save your business money, cut your carbon emissions and reduce your e-waste production massively. Refurbed devices can be redeployed to other areas of your business, like a different department or a new staff member.
If you truly no longer need an asset, you can even wipe it and sell it on to another business, which is a great way to boost your income. You should only opt for recycling when a device is no longer serviceable or is broken beyond repair.
Overall, your business can avoid contributing to this rapidly worsening waste stream by procuring assets from sustainable sources, extending the lifespan of existing devices, and adopting a reuse-first policy at end-of-life.
If you’re looking to get started, but you lack the resource and space to store and repair devices, collaborating with a trusted IT partner might be the way forward.