HR Teams

Focus on delivering great onboarding & offboarding experiences.

Alleviate the burden of organising devices with D2D, saving you time and admin.

Simplified remote working.

Remote working can increase employee engagement, job satisfaction and wellbeing within your business. Our services will conveniently ship hardware straight to your employees’ home office.


When a business replaces an employee, it costs 6 to 9 months of their salary on average- so you should save where you can. Redeploying hardware rather than buying fresh helps you make the most of your resource. We’ll also store your assets in our 60,000 sq ft Logistics Centre, free of charge.

Employee satisfaction.

Good onboarding can improve employee retention by 82%- yet only 12% of employees are satisfied by the onboarding they receive. A streamlined JML process will help you make a great first impression on new hires.

Sustainability goals.

£45 billion worth of e-waste goes to landfill every year, polluting landscapes and fuelling resource scarcity. Refurbishing your existing assets rather than disposing of them prevents you from contributing to this waste stream.

Resources for HR Teams

Make sure they’re ready to go from day one.

When a remote employee starts or leaves your business, you have a lot to consider. Let us alleviate the burden of supplying hardware so you can focus on delivering great onboarding & offboarding experiences.

Ready to get started?

Join the companies with 50,000+ workers already supported by D2D